Toys for Tots
The Spa and Sauna Co. is an official donation location for Toys for Tots at nearly all of our stores in Nevada and California. Donate an unwrapped gift at any of our locations and we will make sure it gets to local children in need during the holiday season. Thank you for all of the generous donations!
Local Cheer Team Sponsorship
The Spa and Sauna Co. sponsors the Carson City High School Cheer Team and other local Cheer Teams. As part of our commitment to encouraging wellness, we recognize youth athletics as an important opportunity for children and young adults in our communities and are happy to be able to help provide this opportunity to members of the local Cheer Teams.
Northeastern & Central California and Northern Nevada
Wishes bring hope, strength and joy to children facing critical illnesses! The Spa and Sauna Co. partnered with Make-A-Wish Northeastern & Central California and Northern Nevada to grant the wish of a young girl in Northern Nevada. Wish kid Hadlie loves spending time in the water and wished to have a hot tub. We can all see the joy that having a hot tub will bring to her and her family.
Santa Cruz Duck Derby
The Spa and Sauna Co. sponsors and hosts a booth at the Omega Nu Duck Derby in Santa Cruz. Omega Nu is a woman-led volunteer group dedicated to helping community members in need. 100% of the proceeds from their events go directly back into the Santa Cruz community.
Children’s Miracle Network
The Spa and Sauna Co. provides donations to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network and Renown Children’s Hospital. Signs were posted this Spring at Costco Warehouses in Reno, Sparks and Carson City.

Hot Tub Donations
The Spa and Sauna Co. has been donating hot tubs to veterans and active-duty service members in our Nevada communities for years. Our entire staff looks forward to the donations each year and we are always looking for more nominations! Yes, you can even nominate yourself!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County
The Spa and Sauna Co. provides donations to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County, typically by sponsoring a lane in the annual Bowl for Kids Sake event.